• Minimus 1.0 AVR Programming

    A little while back, Nottingham Hackspace got the opportunity to buy a bunch of Minimus V1 AVRs at a very good price.  Not being one to turn down a bargain, I bought a few of these little critters to see what they can do. On paper, they look great.  USB programmable micro running an Atmel […]

  • 3 Stage ATtiny85 Watchdog Timer

    A while ago I started logging temperatures to Pachube via a Nanode.  For the most part this works fine, but sometimes something breaks and I might lose a few hours or days worth of data.  It might be the Nanode that’s gone down, or Pachube, or (most likely) my Internet connection.  So I decided to […]

  • Building an ATtiny ISP from a Xino

    If you have seen my previous blog entry, you’ll know I have been playing around with an ATtiny85 for an upcoming project (more on that later…).  Using an Arduino (or, in my case a Xino from Ciseco) is easy enough, but when a sketch needs lots of tweaking to fine tune it, it means the […]

  • ATtiny Micro Programming With Arduino IDE

    One of the most appealing things about the Arduino and ATmega328 is their size and simplicity.  After working with desktop and server computers for years I just loved how a small little chip could be programmed easily to achieve things that I cannot get a full blown computer to do.  I have never been a […]