• Useless Machine

    A machine is a device that does something useful, right?  Well, what about if the thing it does is useless? Well, here is my useless machine

  • 3 Stage ATtiny85 Watchdog Timer

    A while ago I started logging temperatures to Pachube via a Nanode.  For the most part this works fine, but sometimes something breaks and I might lose a few hours or days worth of data.  It might be the Nanode that’s gone down, or Pachube, or (most likely) my Internet connection.  So I decided to […]

  • Arduino Control Room

    I’ve been working on a few Arduino projects recently that will hopefully result in varying levels of home automation.  The effect so far has  been to stick a box here, plug this in there, and dangle a wire from over there, with a general haphazard (with emphasis on the ‘hazard’ bit in some places!) outcome. […]